

— totallydude Report User
keep em comin 7 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Its very simple at the end of the day. Don't say it. End of story. Like people tell blacks about slavery, which is the whole reason you can't say it: Get over it. Its a bad word for white people because it reflects the damage your ancestors have started the the damage y'all continue towards black people whether you know and aknowlege it or not. Now when black people take the word back and make it 'cool', y'all feel left out and do what y'all have always been doing to other people's culture: steal it. Also, stop your bullshitting and say what you mean and stop with this tip toeing "certain types of people" shit. I already know what kind of person you are, theres no need to hide. The fact that this is even a topic of controversy shows what state race relations are in. Give me one good reason white people should be allowed to say the n word.
SHOTTY is the twitter hero we need 22 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
1-Who were you responding to then? The only person opposing your statement was me. 2- Yes that's what it means, what did you think it meant? Obviously the girl was wrong, I'm not arguing that. 3-There are only two races in the post being talked about? Black and white, why would i involve other races? Also, usually white girls have small butts and black girls have big ones. Like I said, there are exceptions, but that's generally true just like white girls usually have longer hair than black girls. I thought that was obvious, but whatever, there you go.
Dear Donald Trump... 18 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
I really don't feel the need to argue with someone who feels Donald Trump would be a good president. And coincidentally, you're the same dude who put up a huge fight about not being able to say the n word on another post if I'm not mistaken. I could see why you would like him.
Bond villains are getting lamer 5 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Nah, he knows this, hes just a dick.
The Zendaya Barbie doll 4 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Its great to have a barbie that more races of little kids can look up to, and know that beauty comes in their color. Zendaya is such an inspiration.
SHOTTY is the twitter hero we need 22 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Well damn, did I say that picture resembled white lips? No, I said black people's lips are usually bigger than white people's. I also said there are exceptions, but for the most part thats the way it is. You have a problem with the girl on the picture, not me. And yes, if the majority of a race has a certain feature it is that races feature, just like how the majority of black girls have big butts and people say a girl with a small butt has a white girl butt. Of course there are black girls with small butts and white girls with huge ones but that's not the majority.
Dear Donald Trump... 18 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
This country is not a business. You don't become president to make a profit, or at least you're not supposed to. His skills in business mean nothing in politics. And yes, he is an idiot.
SHOTTY is the twitter hero we need 22 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
No. Its a fact. More black people have natural full lips. There are exceptions to both sides but for the majority its blacks.
Dear Donald Trump... 18 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
So... You deport them and their families and/or ruin their lives and relationships then attempt to build a huge wall and make mexico pay for it. Yeah that certainly sounds like a plan someone experienced in government and how it works would do!-oh wait, Trump is actually an extremely inexperienced idiot himself! Ooops!
2 · Edited 9 years ago
If Donald Trump becomes president 19 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Yeah the dude who says Satan made the big bang theory up is NOT a dumb ass
keep em comin 7 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Just why would you as a white person even want to say it? Just go on about your business and don't worry about it. It says a lot about you when biggest thing you have to worry about as a race is not being able to say a word that your people have used to oppress an entire other race. Y'all have abused and lost your n word privileges, let's put it that way. Its amazing that a person could even argue such a stance.
· Edited 9 years ago
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
I don't blame white people for just being white, I blame most of them from benefiting from structural racism and slavery and don't even try to tell me to forget about my history like its not relevant to the present. Y'all remember every other tragic event in history but always tell black people to get over it. Are you saying that 500+ in the least (not to mention other aspects of history) years of free labor that you never paid back is not gonna set that particular group up for success? See how stupid you sound? White people have privileges, even over you, and I blame them for not acknowledging them and justifing the privileges with notions that people of color are "just not working as hard as I did". You can work as hard as you want, but if the nation is built on the false premises that your race are savages, dumb and lazy on top of the 500+ years of oppression, your not going to do well in that nation. That's what I blame them for whether or not theyre responsible for the root of it
· Edited 9 years ago
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
I'm not really sure if you're getting what I'm saying so I'll try to explain it some more. People in general but mostly white people will slander black people for their dark skin but then, like you said, pay to get our color skin and call it beautiful. They will tease us because of our big lips and then splurge on lip injections to look cute. They will go out of their way to get box braids and call it a new discovery after laughing at the black girls that get them for a reason and have been wearing them as a style for years. They think African features are beautiful, just not on african people. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen at all. And yes there are more white people in general but that doesn't excuse the racially biased casting in the industry. My little sister shouldn't grow up wishing she was another race because all she ever sees anywhere are pretty white girls.
· Edited 9 years ago
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Try to see things from another race's point of view. This, along with discussing our views together to understand each other is how we ease race relations. We can't solve anything by not acknowledging the problem, even if you don't feel its that big of a deal because other people do and its obviously for a reason. Do research, and not just half assed facts, go in depth to the roots of these problems and maybe you'll see what we mean.
· Edited 9 years ago
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Yes white people do carry privilege. In simplest terms, white people get to be the default race. They get to see themselves portrayed everywhere from magazines to movies; lighter skin is considered better to the point that many young girls, including myself, go to extremes not to be in the sun too long less we dare to darken our skin anymore. People in general but mostly white people like to tease and ridicule us about our natural features and then either pay to look like us or steal our stuff and "discover" it without giving us credit. White people don't represent their whole race; if a black person shoots up a school he and black culture are savages but if a white dude does the same he himself is just a lone lunatic. The media even portrays black victims of murder worst than the killers, showing past police records if they can find them and questionable pictures if they can't while the white murders are described as quite and diligent students with flattering pictures.
· Edited 9 years ago
Bi people vs unicorns 20 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Yeah that's great but that's one portrayal of a different lifesyle to a billion "regular" ones. Say if you got some candy to share with me and you picked out all your favorite flavors and non of mine. You can't fix the problem by only adding one candy of my flavor. You know what I'm sayin? Its a start but nowhere near what it should be.
Women's Studies 10 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
How could you even form some sort of argument against this? lol y'all are reaching for something to be denied. This comment goes exactly with the post all y'all up voted so whats the problem here?
Women's Studies 10 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
They're not saying that women don't make history, they're saying that history doesn't give them credit or even give them a chance to accurately portray their contributions to society. That's kind of why everyone we learn about in history class are white males. Only white men back then controlled the media, what we did and didn't see and know. Many aspects of the lives we live now were introduced by people of color and women but no one with power wanted anyone to know that great inventions came from every mind and not just a select few that pass some type of color and gender filter.
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Do you understand what privileged means? Its not always that you were born rich or dont get racially discriminated against, its that you don't get these things done to you as much or as maliciously as another groups. so you might have bad stuff going on but other people have it worst and you're saying that this huge difference doesn't exist. Are you telling me that you really think that racism isnt still a problem? Dude do you live under a rock? You gon sit here and tell me 500+ years of free labor constructing this country and the economy behind it, filling the pockets of the wealthy with more money and the minds of the poor with savage and animalistic notions of people of color with no restoration or compensation to the people who were oppressed doesn't still effect us today? With no other tragedy in history do we urge the people who were effected to forget it. Not saying that white people are bad, but whether they like it or not, they do carry some sort of privilege.
White people 28 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
How are you going to tell a whole race of people what does and doesnt exist in their daily lives? I'll stop bringing it up when I stop experiencing it. I don't want to hear about how you feel about something that you don't experience. That's like saying the way to ease tensions around 9/11 is to not acknowledge it at all cause people are not being blown up in buildings anymore with no facts backing you up. Y'all act like those 500+ years of building the country off us didn't build you up while forcing us down. Tearing us down every time we try to rise up from the ashes and demonizing us when we look dusty. Rethink your argument and try again.
Meow 24 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
But who's fuck up has lasting consequences?
Meow 24 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
You didn't say that at first, you wanted it to go from white people to all people. You wanted to spread the blame instead of focusing on something else. You might be saying that now but that's not what you said at first.
Meow 24 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
And so that justifies what they did to them?
Meow 24 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
Yeah everyone knows that, it just that the things white people have done have lasting negative effects today more than any other race. Its like black lives matter: of course every race matters, it's just black lives are being focused on because we're being shot in the street like dogs disproportionately as apposed to white people and then they act like its not true. That doesn't mean you can't be killed by the cops if you're white, like i said, We're being murdered for stupid reasons if any reason at all at hugely disproportionate rates by the people we pay to keep us safe and most white people say that me serving facts hurts their feelings and makes them feel guilty like they're the ones living in a society where everything is made for another race that can't even be bothered to acknowledge the priveges that comes with 700+ years of oppression of multiple races. They can't even open their eyes and realize that you can and do still benefit from bad things you had no direct part in
Meow 24 comments
totallydude · 9 years ago
You feeling guilty is your problem, they said nothing about you. They said IN HISTORY that's how its been not now. If only your ancestors did something bad but you havent why are you ashamed because according to you, you can't help that. Its just history, get over it.