Zach Kiesel


— Zach Kiesel Report User
I want the whole package 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 2 years ago
89% of the population 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Yeah, every time trump opens his mouth
Bill Gates is one rich man 2 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
He should and then turn it away from the garbage heap it is now
Only known preserved head of the Dodo Bird 3 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Clone it!
Definitely the most annoying 1 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Darth cat 1 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Darth Kitteous
Connect PVC pipe to your leaf blower for easy gutter cleaning 3 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Or just get on the roof and blow them out without the pipe
We know it was awesome and also the best part of the movie 7 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
I'm just gonna say it...
Blank Space by iPrevail
Hope this happens to you 5 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Here's hoping
Rotten tomatoes ain't got no shit on me 10 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
It was solid but they jumped over a lot of details the books had that made those stories great. Made Geralt look way different, wasnt happy there.
Burger for table 117 3 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Burger for John Sierra
#42 - The Ruiner of Life, The Experiments, and Everything 5 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
This rat is Brain from the Animaniacs!
By the power of sheer hate alone 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
Is it possible to learn this power
They're onto us 5 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
This girl gets it
Life is dope 2 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
The good life
Can confirm 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 4 years ago
My cup is in the morning of a snowboard vacation. Early in the morning, snow all around, breakfast in belly, stoked for a day of fun.
Why dafuq is he carrying a frying pan??? 22 comments
zkiesel86 · 5 years ago
It's either pubg or in between
Part of greatests childhood movies 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 5 years ago
It's funny cause its true!
Just imagine the feeling! 3 comments
zkiesel86 · 5 years ago
Been there and done that, corduroy as hell. You get some serious speed on it though
Gonna bite the bullet any day now 2 comments
zkiesel86 · 5 years ago
Nailed it
Don't f**k with the devil 2 comments
zkiesel86 · 5 years ago
Makes sense to me
Another fallen one 9 comments
zkiesel86 · 6 years ago
Good man. I feel your pain. I bow my head to you.
If you ever lost someone 3 comments
zkiesel86 · 6 years ago
Is this a smash mouth reference? All Star???
Why are you single? 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 6 years ago
I relate to this way to damn much
Please don't black the sidewalk 4 comments
zkiesel86 · 6 years ago
Master Roshi?